Senior Living Testimonials
They say it best.
There are no better experts on community life at The Atrium at Navesink Harbor than current residents. Here they are in their own words.
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Jean Buscema

I moved here in June 2016 and give The Atrium rave reviews; it’s a lovely place to be and very nice. The employees are more than kind, and the executive director is wonderful. The ambiance is wonderful, too, and there are many interesting activities. I especially enjoy the many theater trips; they are great and always a fun time. The care here is really great, too. I told my sister: Move into a Springpoint community; you won’t be disappointed!
Irmgard Larsen and Ralph Rapp

For me the big attraction to come here was the beautiful setting and surroundings. I love the river, I love the garden, and I love the convenience of going to town. I also like the people who live here.
The Atrium at Navesink Harbor offers many great activities, and there are so many to choose from. I participate in the opera and ballet trips offered several times a month. We like to participate in several of the LivWell classes, including tai chi, yoga, and walking. The interactive lectures offered are interesting too. I also like the library, book club, and Bible study. I highly recommend Chaplain Carole; she is very interesting and encouraging.
And with such a busy schedule, sometimes I just like to be alone. We have a nice apartment, so why not enjoy that too! I have a loving husband and we enjoy time together taking in the beautiful views of the city and the river. We cannot complain, and we truly appreciate everything here.
Katherine Guyer

It’s like one big family in this place. I don’t know what Springpoint does when they pick people, but The Atrium staff is just incredible. They work so hard to serve us every day. Living here I can walk to the pharmacy, bank, church, shopping, restaurants, library, theater, and the park. It’s very convenient, and I like my apartment very much.
I have a network of amazing friends and neighbors. I look forward to the ladies’ breakfast that we have twice a month in the cafe. I enjoy the group walking trips that visit the Monmouth County parks regularly. I volunteer in the gift shop and for the residents’ entertainment This and That fundraiser. We have lots of trips to Manhattan and to different cultural venues too.
I have friends who waited too long to come here, and now it’s too late; that makes me sad. The fact that I am here is just a blessing. I am home!
Michael Kennedy

About a year and a half after my wife of 53 years passed away, I received a card in the mail inviting me to a luncheon at The Atrium. It was the beginning of a great relationship. My three daughters came for a visit, liked what they saw, and said, “Go for it, Dad.” I took their advice and never looked back.
I moved in in January 2015 after getting positive responses to my question of “Can I bring my two cats?” Reggie and Didi have a wonderful view of the Navesink River from their cat condo and have never complained.
Within a few days of my arrival, staff members on all levels were respectfully addressing me as Mr. Kennedy, to the point I thought of the sitcom Cheers, where everybody knows your name. It was, and still is, a good feeling.
Another factor, and perhaps the most important one, was the fact that I was born and raised in Red Bank and was familiar with many of the things it has to offer: several fine restaurants, the Two River Theater, the Count Basie Center for the Arts, waterfront park, and on and on.
A second decision-maker was/is the wealth of activities available at The Atrium: a fully equipped fitness center, art lessons, the writers’ class, bridge, a well-stocked library, trips to New York City, and several health-related programs such as yoga, tai chi, line dancing, and balance classes. There are so many choices that it’s often difficult to do everything you might want to do.
And a special note to those of you who are reading this and saying, “I’m not ready yet,” I offer the following baseball analogy: “It is often better to trade a player one year too early than one year too late.” Don’t be too late!
Jeff Westerman
resident’s sonThe Atrium has been a godsend to our family. After “toughing it out” in their beloved original home, my parents have embraced living here, to the deep relief of our extended family, all of whom have had growing concerns. How unfair it became: The home they’d so enjoyed and planned to stay in eventually turned on them, becoming dangerous in ways no one could have foreseen completely. The future they’d foreseen was optimistic, but the reality of staying there, even with live-in assistance, was too much—just not safe or manageable.
Eight months ago, we came in with our parents and took the tour. It was love at first sight, and in every respect: from the beauty of the whole place to its gorgeous location, to the way things are set up and function so professionally. It was instantly a case of “Where do we sign?” and we all leapt at the opportunity with profound relief. The Atrium even made what could have been a highly stressful moving day into a smooth experience by being involved and preventing complications in advance.
But what’s been most impressive about The Atrium is the very special staff, working in every area of service, many of whom quickly felt like “members of the family.” The warmth of the welcome was unmistakably genuine, and the integrity runs deep in your staff members. Above and beyond job descriptions, they ALL reach out and follow up, providing service as if my parents were their own family. This is a quality we all recognize when we see it in people, and it’s just as obvious when it’s absent. It seems to me that The Atrium staff answer to a “calling” in life, compelled to be of service, done with love and kindness.
The other aspect that hit us all right away, and continues to deepen, is the fact that The Atrium at Navesink Harbor organization has clearly seen and experienced almost everything that can go wrong or right in people’s later lives. Having dealt with every contingency, your staff is obviously trained to address whatever may arise. And that provides profound relief. You’ve thought of it all—and even put it in writing!
My wife and I live 250 miles away, and my sister lives far away, too. I’m getting older myself and driving New Jersey’s crazy roads is becoming harder than ever. Therefore, knowing my parents are safe, happy, engaged, cared about, and full of enjoyment is a daily pleasure and relief. And it’s just so good to know that my folks feel they have “come home” to The Atrium. When hard times happen, I don’t drive down, dreading what I’ll find—I come down informed in advance, knowing that staff and medical personnel have taken all necessary steps to care for whatever may have befallen my parents.
And it’s also a sweet relief to know The Atrium will be waiting for them with open arms after a hospital stay. I saw it for myself when my mother returned after some nights away there; she was not only greeted at the door by a friendly nurse waiting with a wheelchair to take her home, but also by your wonderful concierge, Shirley, who met us at the door and presented Mom with a vase of “welcome home” flowers! I mean a big, beautiful bouquet! And the most touching part was the feeling that this greeting is “typical” of your entire organization, from biggest details to smallest. It was calmly readied in advance, reflecting years of experience and empathic planning on your part. It’s the details that impress, informing every aspect of life in The Atrium at Navesink Harbor. My parents are SO happy here, and we are so very grateful to you for their happiness. You’ve made all the difference in the world, and we thank you kindly for it.